Saturday, May 16, 2015

Carbon Footprint with Mrs Chandra.

I've recently contributed to a survey on my 'Carbon Footprint'.
Carbon footprint, is similar to a Digital footprint except Carbon is reality.
The Ecological Footprint site mentioned that if everyone lived like my family; the whole world would would just need One planet earth to survive! That's pretty rad to know if your me.

My family has 4 people, a medium-sized house, and average bills. We are also light car users and we eat meat on average basis as well fresh food everyday. Good thing we don't live in the UK because that would add to my Footprint.

Did you know that the UK uses more carbon then any other place in the world? It is caused because UK is a larger country then most, meaning that it uses more power and needs more water, food, supplies etc. They all use carbon because they need to be transported and delivered to the store where you buy it. The truck or vehicle runs on petrol which has been transported too, as well as when you pump it, it releases it into the air as well! 

Reduce your carbon footprint for a better living!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Possums & Pests with Miss Spencer

Bang! The crash of a once used Possum trap. Miss Spencer  had just demonstrated what a Possum trap does. It was a tall yellow bucket with a tear-shaped hole big enough for a Head and neck.
What happens it we put the apple and cinnamon inside the bucket, and at night time the Possum will smell the cinnamon and will come down to put its head inside, as soon as the body touches the bucket, the bucket will release a bar and snap its head. We didn't use any Possums fortunately, but we just kicked it and it snapped.

Later on, we played a game where two people were possums and as they tagged us, we became a possum and it would continue. Miss Spencer added a new character to the game, and there were two hunters added.

We copied down tons of facts, and watched a slideshow play which told us plenty of information about Pest's in New Zealand. I can't wait till our next immersion!

Adorable little Possums, its such a shame that they kill our Native Birds and
destroy our Wildlife. 

Bottled water with Mr Meikele


Bottled water or Tap water?
I prefer tap water!

Mr Meikele had given us a blind taste on water, and which was better by opinions.
The bottled water was cold, but it tasted stale and tasted like plastic. Videos played on the Active board and we learnt about water and where plastic bottles come from. The videos told us how plastic comes from Oil, and the oil doesn't just use up the amount we use for making plastic bottles, but how it gets transported in oil manufacturer trucks, etc.

The ads on TV are trying to scare us by telling customers to buy bottled water instead of using tap water because it is dirty, unhealthy and disgusting. Did you know that bottled water costs about 1,000 times more then ordinary tap water? I mean how much do you pay for a bottled water at the dairy?

When I get home, I'm sticking a sign up on the fridge. About time bottled water doesn't get used, we can fill up our own stainless steel bottles with fresh, and cheap tap water for free!


Stop buying bottled water! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Cross Country Day!

I could see this race of leg torture coming to an end as I puffed my way up the muddy slope that we call a hill. Heta urged me to hurry up and Miss Mules endorsed me to catch up to Julia who had helped me through the whole course, four times. It really was not as simple as it looked.

 "Skyla hurry up! Miss is coming for your head! Even an old lady is gonna bet you!" people in the crowd would chant continuously.
I was so pumped to start running at the beginning of the day, as I watched the Year 6 Girls & Boys. Cheering as they sprint past me, I thought to my self they were just being lazy. Now I know how they felt!

Catching my breath as It ran along with me was a difficult task at the time, my face felt like an Oven on fullblast. The crowd started cheering for Julia & I as we left a trail of History for every step. 
My top was gluing to my skin. 

Cheering echoes between my ears as I proudly, but exhaustively cross the finish line and rush past the gazebo. During assembly, we found out that for once; Mary McKillop had won! 218 points for our Whanau house! I came last place, but I don't care, at least I won't have to do it again!